Masterminding Hot Seat - How to make the most of it
Jul 03, 2020
As you probably know by now, I have been a huge fan of Masterminding for many years. In my last newsletter, I shared some of the advantages of participating in a masterminding group to get access to other professionals' experiences, recommendations, and resources in a very affordable way. Some of my most vital decisions in both my career and businesses were made by the support from my masterminding buddies.
It's all about being resourceful by involving others
The quality of these groups has varied a lot, mainly due to one factor: How well prepared are the participants upon taking their Hot Seat? Sometimes, the sessions have turned into nice meetings with occasional results only. The most effective ones generating the best results and clarity about actions, boldness, and accountability, occur when the group members agree to show up prepared. This allows more focus and action orientation, often catapulting the members into those vital decisions and actions.
This is why I have created a short 15-minute on-demand webinar on the topic of "How to make the most of your Masterminding Hot Seat". The webinar is relevant to anyone considering joining a masterminding group or is looking to up the game in their current group. And...for the bold ones among you, you will get an opportunity to test it out for yourself in a 30-minute session with me as the facilitator. Over the next 6-8 weeks, I will offer a limited number of these test sessions for free, just so you can try it out for yourself.
So, if you are considering making key decisions about your career or business this year, what have you got to lose? I really love engaging with brave professionals and would be delighted to put you in the Hot Seat. The only thing you need to do is to prepare yourself according to the short webinar here...hope to see you soon!
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