How to avoid pitfalls as a leader on LinkedIn
Feb 26, 2020
I can't believe it's already 10 years since I left corporate to start my first business. Throughout these years, LinkedIn has proven vital to my own positioning and attraction of business opportunities.
LinkedIn has been instrumental to my business for a decade
Today, I'm privileged to work with leaders on all levels to help them build trust, stand out, and attract the professional opportunities they deserve, either in corporate or when starting their own business. LinkedIn remains THE KEY PLATFORM to make this happen.
During 2020, I have decided to share some of my key insights and best recommendations as a small business owner with a larger audience in a monthly, 30-minute webinar. The topics will include some of my key findings and exercises for leaders focusing on distinction, innovation and positioning. Feel free to share the invite to somebody you believe would benefit from this, and I hope to see you on the inside as well...welcome!
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